Monday, August 18, 2008

This is Your Brain On Music

Just read this book.
It's pretty interesting for those who are into music - there are certain aspects of it that I find most interesting. One was when the author talked about camping in with a certain African tribe. When the tribe asked him to sing along with them, the author declined, saying that he didn't sing. The tribesmen were puzzled and asked.. what do you mean? You do have a mouth, you speak... of course you sing!

Singing was such a fundamental part of their life, like talking that they didn't understand the need to be "good". Our society has given the privilege of singing to a select few who are deemed "good enough". The rest of us are somewhat pressured into silence, simply because we are "not good enough". Reading this really changed my mindset somewhat.

The author also goes on to tell us why 10,000 hours of practice, and not talent, makes virtuosos. I shan't delve further into this - you go read it!

This I truly believe in.. those who really become very good are those who love playing the instrument enough to spend every possible minute they can find on it.

Oh, and it also explains why your parents never get tired of listening to the same songs they listened to as teenagers.

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